BASIC INSTRUCTION - Journal of Water and Land Development

Open Access
Open Access
Journal of Water and Land Development
Journal of Water and Land Development
Journal of Water and Land Development
Journal of Water and Land Development
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Open Access
Due to the current situation, the Journal of Water and Land Development has suspended scientific cooperation with Russian and Belarusian institutions as of February 24, 2022. Unfortunately, manuscripts from these countries will not be accepted for publication in our journal until further notice.
Journal of Water and Land Development - is a peer reviewed research journal published in English indexed in Elsevier - SCOPUS data base.
The journal has been published continually since 1997. In 2014, a quarterly journal devoted to the publication of papers dealing with the following topics:
- Agriculture
- Hydrology
- Water management
- Water quality
- Agricultural landscape
- Agrometeorology
- Agronomy
- Horticulture
- Hydrobiology
- Irrigation and drainage
- Water ecosystems
- Wetlands
- Environmental engineering
- Ecology
- Plant physiology
- Geology
- Climate change
- Microbiology, biological sciences
- Drones
- Earth and environmental sciences
- Architecture and urban planning
- Civil engineering and transportation
- Socio-economic geography
- Mining and energy
- Spatial management
JWLD publishes peer reviewed, original, research papers, short communications, and reviews. Papers dealing with diverse aspects of above listed subjects and topics are welcome, namely if they bring novelty and further understanding in this field. The language of the journal is British English.
JWLD is the open-access journal under the CC BY-NC-ND licence. The copyright remains with the author. All authors are obliged to provide their e-mails and ORCIDs as well as full addresses to all the affiliations (street names, building numbers, zip/postal codes, cities and countries) during submission process. Authors are required to sign a Publishing Contract.
The standard publication price is 500€ including 23% VAT for papers
(max. 12 pages including figures or tables)
By submitting an article, the author agrees to the payment terms, if their article is accepted for publication.
All manuscripts are submitted and peer reviewed exclusively in their electronic versions via our online system:
If necessary, correspondence should be sent to the editorial office by e-mail:
  • Mail address: Institute of Technology and Life Sciences – National Research Institute, Falenty, al. Hrabska 3, 05-090 Raszyn, Poland
  • Editor-in-Chief (EIC): Prof. Dr Hab. Hazem M. KALAJI, e-mail:
  • Managing Editor (ME): Dr. Adam BRYSIEWICZ, phone: (+48) 225 106 824, 22 243 52 32; +48 22 243 54 56, e-mail:
All manuscripts are assigned by ME to Associate Editors (AE), specialists in a particular field, and then peer reviewed at least by two reviewers familiar with the relevant field of science. Authors can follow the status of their paper’s evaluation using our online system. A final decision is made by the ME, usually based on recommendations of the AE and reviewers. Papers accepted for the publication are published after the payment of the processing fee. Papers are launched as soon as possible as an In Progress version accessible via the journal website. The journal issue is released later. The author will receive a PDF file with the final version of the paper.

Papers which have been previously published or those elsewhere under consideration are not published. If the paper is published on any preprint server, the author is obliged to announce this to the editorial office and affix the declaration on the title page below the title of the paper. The author is held responsible for correction notification of the paper’s state on the preprint server (e.g. the paper must not be under review by any other journal, book, etc.)

Papers are checked by the iThenticate plagiarism checker software.
The manuscript should be prepared in MS Word for Windows in .doc or .docx format (text and tables). The preferred formats for graphs of functions are Excel or Word and photos, maps etc. are JPG and TIFF.

The authors are strongly recommended to ask a native English speaker to check their papers before the submission. For professional language editing services, see,, or

Manuscripts should be typed with 1.5 line spacing. Authors are requested to prepare figures according to the journal instructions and style, ready for printing.
Authors may insert a cover letter as a separate file.
Before submission, check if your article is prepared in accordance with the basic journal requirements, not to do so will delay the review process. Articles not following these requirements may be returned to authors.

ORIGINAL PAPERS                        
Original papers should not exceed 12 pages including text, figures and tables (A4, font: Times New Roman, 12 pts., line spacing: 1.5, normal margins. If the volume exceeds 12 pages, an additional fee in proportion to the excess will be charged. The paper should be divided as follows: Title (max. 15 words), names and addresses of the author(s), Abstract, Introduction, Materials and methods, Results, Discussion, or: Results and Discussion Conclusions and References.

  • are three–five bullet points that help increase the discoverability of your article via search engines; these bullet points should be maximum of 85 characters, including spaces.
  • concise and accurate; it should contain all necessary information and data of your paper. It should contain 200–250 words.

New: Graphical abstract
A graphical abstract is a unique, simple, concise, and visual summary of the main findings of the article and helps readers to quickly identify papers most relevant to their research.

The graphical abstract is optional. Authors must provide an original image as a separate file. For more information see Detailed instructions.

  • together with the title and the abstract, are used for indexing purposes (five–eight words); avoid plural terms and multiple concepts.

A separate paragraph of Theory can be included in the case of papers containing theoretical models and comprehensive calculations. Supplementary materials should contain more voluminous formulae, equations, or tables and figures.

Materials and methods
Units, dimensions, terms, symbols, abbreviations, etc., recommended by the Système International d'Unités (SI) should be used ( See also Detailed instructions.
Statistical treatment should be described in detail including methods and software used for the evaluation.

This section should illustrate the most important results of the work. The total number of tables and figures is limited to 8. A single table or figure should not exceed one page. Longer and additional tables or figures can be published as supplementary materials.
The figures should be exclusively sent in the recommended format (see Detailed instructions) and have to be sent in a quality suitable for publishing.
Photographs must be of high quality. The scale bars must be shown. Image manipulation for purposes of deception or fraud is seen as scientific ethical abuse and is dealt with accordingly. No specific feature of the image may be enhanced, obscured, removed, or introduced. Adjustments of brightness, contrast, and colour balance are acceptable as long as they do not eliminate any information present in the original.

For figures formatting, the authors should meet rules given in Detailed instructions.
The legends to tables and figures should be self-explanatory without needing to reference the text. Statistical bars should be shown together with the number of replicates. Data shown in figures and tables should not be duplicated.
Written permission from a copyright owner is needed in case of published tables or figures.
The discussion should evaluate the significance of the results without repeating them. Avoid excessive overview of the field of study and mere speculations. Scientifically sound hypotheses may be included.
  • After the first mention of a term together with its abbreviation in parentheses, use only the abbreviation in the following text. Abbreviations should only be used in the Abstract if unavoidable (e.g. if the term is used more than once).
Supplementary material
Conflict of interests
Institutional review board statement

Important. Make sure the reference list includes each citation in the text. References that are not cited in the text should not be included in the reference list.
Citations in the text should contain the authors' names followed by the year of publication in parentheses, if more references, then arranged chronologically (the most recent one first)
References at the end of the paper should be arranged alphabetically (by authors’ surname).
Titles of articles (not books) written in languages other than English are given in the original language their English translation is mentioned in square brackets.
For examples see Detailed instructions.
Manuscripts which do not exceed 6 pages of a text (including Title, Abstract, text without subdivision, References) plus maximum of 1 table and 1 figure or 2 figures or 2 tables. Brief Communications are peer reviewed in the same way as Original Articles.

Short, but comprehensive reviews on specialised topics are welcome. The manuscript should not exceed 12,000 words and up to 10 tables or figures in total. The written permission from a copyright owner is needed in case of already published tables or figures. Reviews are peer reviewed similarly as above mentioned.
Dział Wydawnictw ITP/Editorial Office
Instytut Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy
Falenty, al. Hrabska 3, 05-090 Raszyn, Polska
tel. +48 22 243 54 54, fax +48 22 735 75 06
ITP-PIB Editorial Office
Institute of Technology and Life Sciences
National Research Institute
Falenty, 3 Hrabska Avenue, Raszyn 05-090, Poland
tel. +48 22 243 52 32 or +48 22 243 54 56

Polish Academy of Sciences,
Palace of Culture and Science,
Warsaw, 1 Defilad Square, 00-901, Poland

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