Number 27 (2015)
Long-term air temperature and precipitation variability in the Warta River catchment area
Ilnicki P., Farat R., Górecki K., Lewandowski P.
Key words: precipitation totals, air temperature, trend analysis, Poland, Warta River basin
For citation: Ilnicki P., Farat R., Górecki K., Lewandowski P. 2015. Long-term air temperature and precipitation variability in the Warta River catchment area. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 27 p. 3-13.
A GIS based approach for the prediction of the dam break flood hazard – A case study of Zardezas reservoir “Skikda, Algeria”
Derdous O., Djemili L., Bouchehed H., Tachi S.E.
Key words: dam break, disaster management, flood hazard map, GIS, HEC-RAS, land use planning
For citation: Derdous O., Djemili L., Bouchehed H., Tachi S.E. 2015. A GIS based approach for the prediction of the dam break flood hazard – A case study of Zardezas reservoir “Skikda, Algeria”. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 27 p. 15–20.
On bankfull methods determination again – why we care?
Radecki-Pawlik A., Skalski T., Plesiński K., Czech W.
Key words: bankfull, river, river bank, stream
For citation: Radecki-Pawlik A., Skalski T., Plesiński K., Czech W. 2015. On bankfull methods determination again – why we care? Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 27 p. 21–27.
Multi-objective optimization of in-situ bioremediation of groundwater using a hybrid metaheuristic technique based on differential evolution, genetic algorithms and simulated annealing
Kumar D., Ch S., Mathur S., Adamowski J.
Key words: differential evolution, fuzzy logic, genetic algorithm, groundwater, hybrid algorithm, in-situ bioremediation, simulated annealing, support vector machine (SVM)
For citation: Kumar D., Ch S., Mathur S., Adamowski J. 2015. Multi-objective optimization of in-situ bioremediation of groundwater using a hybrid metaheuristic technique based on differential evolution, genetic algorithms and simulated annealing. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 27 p. 29-40.
CropSyst model for wheat irrigation water management with fresh and poor quality wate
Ouda S.A., Noreldin T., Mounzer O.H., Abdelhamid M.T.
Key words: agricultural drainage water, deficit irrigation, fresh water, water stress index
For citation: Ouda S.A., Noreldin T., Mounzer O.H., Abdelhamid M.T. 2015. CropSyst model for wheat irrigation water management with fresh and poor quality water. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 27 p. 41-50.
The stability of soil aggregates in tilled fallow areas in Hyderabad district, Pakistan
Tagar A., Adamowski J.
Key words: aggregate size distribution, aggregate stability, seedbed condition and soil erosion, tilled fallow areas
For citation: Tagar A., Adamowski J. 2015. The stability of soil aggregates in tilled fallow areas in Hyderabad district, Pakistan. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 27 p. 51-60.