Number 38 (2018)

Enhancement of the free residual chlorine concentration at the ends of the water supply network: Case study of Souk Ahras city Algeria
Bensoltane M.A., Zeghadnia L., Djemili L., Gheid A., Djebbar Y.
Key words: Algeria, drinking water, EPANET2, residual chlorine decay, Souk Ahras city, water supply network
For citation: Bensoltane M.A., Zeghadnia L., Djemili L., Gheid A., Djebbar Y. 2018. Enhancement of the free residual chlorine concentration at the ends of the water supply network: Case study of Souk Ahras city Algeria. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 38 p. 3-9. Available at:

Contribution to study of the dependability of a drinking water system
Boumelita D., Ouerdachi L., Debbache N.-E.
Key words: dependability, hydraulic system, hydraulic criticality index (HCI), reliability block diagram, spatial interpolation
For citation: Boumelita D., Ouerdachi L., Debbache N.-E. 2018. Contribution to study of the dependability of a drinking water system. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 38 p. 11-18. Available at:
Statistical and hydrogeochemical characteristics of the MDaourouch-Drea Plains groundwater, North-East of Algeria
Brahmia A., Brinis N., Nouar T.
Key words: groundwater, hydrochemical characteristics, MDaourouch-Dreas plain, statistical characteristics
For citation: Brahmia A., Brinis N., Nouar T. 2018. Statistical and hydrogeochemical characteristics of the MDaourouch-Drea Plains groundwater, North-East of Algeria. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 38 p. 19-26. Available at:
Perspectives on offshore wind farms
in chosen countries of European Union
Dawid L.
Key words: offshore wind farms, renewable energy sources, support systems, wind energy
For citation: Dawid L. 2018. Perspectives on offshore wind farms development in chosen countries of European Union. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 38 p. 27-34. Available at:
Analysis of effective factors on agricultural water management in Iran
Feizabadi Y., Gorji E.M.
Key words: agriculture, factor analysis, Iran, water management
For citation: Feizabadi Y., Gorji E.M. 2018. Analysis of effective factors on agricultural water management in Iran. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 38 p. 35-41. Available at:
Hydrochemical assessment of water quality for irrigation: A case study of the wetland complex of Guerbes-Sanhadja, North-East of Algeria
Hedjal S., Zouini D., Benamara A.
Key words: Algeria, irrigation, residual sodium carbonate (RSC), sodium absorption ratio (SAR), water quality, wetland complex of Guerbes-Sanhadja
For citation: Hedjal S., Zouini D., Benamara A. 2018. Hydrochemical assessment of water quality for irrigation: A case study of the wetland complex of Guerbes-Sanhadja, North-East of Algeria. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 38 p. 43-52. Available at:

How can the grasslands under rainfall events modify water balance in drought conditions
Minea G., Tudor G., Stan F.-I., Ioana-Toroimac G., Zamfir R.
Key words: grasslands, hydrological drought, plot-scale, rainfall-runoff events, water flow pathways
For citation: Minea G., Tudor G., Stan F.-I., Ioana-Toroimac G., Zamfir R. 2018. How can the grasslands under rainfall events modify water balance in drought conditions. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 38 p. 53-65. Availab1le at:
Estimating the runoff coefficient using the analytic hierarchy process
Lallam F., Megnounif A., Ghenim A.N.
Key words: analytic hierarchy process (AHP), maximum daily rainfall, runoff coefficient, slope, soil type, vegetation cover, watershed surface
For citation: Lallam F., Megnounif A., Ghenim A.N. 2018. Estimating the runoff coefficient using the analytic hierarchy process. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 38 p. 67-74. Available at:
Modelling of rainfall intensity in a watershed: A case study in Amprong watershed, Kedungkandang, Malang, East Java of Indonesia
Limantara L.M., Harisuseno D.H., Dewi V.A.K.
Key words: duration, forecasting, probability, flood probability, rainfall intensity
For citation: Limantara L.M., Harisuseno D.H., Dewi V.A.K. 2018. Modelling of rainfall intensity in a watershed: A case study in Amprong watershed, Kedungkandang, Malang, East Java of Indonesia. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 38 p. 75-84. Available at:
Impact of climate change on the water requirements of the Bounamoussa perimeter, North-East of Algeria
Malkia R., Etsouri S.
Key words: Algeria, climate change, Climate Wizard program, CropWat model, DSSAT model, water requirements
For citation: Malkia R., Etsouri S. 2018. Impact of climate change on the water requirements of the Bounamoussa perimeter, North-East of Algeria. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 38 p. 85-93. Available at:
Contribution to flood risk management by the IRIP method at the level of Gareat El Taref catchment, Constantine's highlands, North-East of Algeria
Naouel D., Zouini D., Breil P.
Key words: flood management, flood risk, iRIP, Khenchela, runoff
For citation: Naouel D., Zouini D., Breil P. 2018. Contribution to flood risk management by the IRIP method at the level of Gareat El Taref catchment, Constantine's highlands, North-East of Algeria. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 38 p. 95-104. Available at:
Assessment of the impact of climate change on the freshwater availability of Kaduna River basin, Nigeria
Okafor G.C., Ogbu K.N.
Key words: climate change, MannKendall test, partial correlation, streamflow, water availability
For citation: Okafor G.C., Ogbu K.N. 2018. Assessment of the impact of climate change on the freshwater availability of Kaduna River basin, Nigeria. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 38 p. 105114. Available at:
Assessment of metallic contamination in sediment and mullet fish (Mugil cephalus Linnaeus, 1758) tissues from the East Algerian coast
Ouali N., Belabed B.E., Zeghdoudi F., Rachedi M.
Key words: fish, heavy metals, sediment, toxicity, water depth
For citation: Ouali N., Belabed B.E., Zeghdoudi F., Rachedi M. 2018. Assessment of metallic contamination in sediment and mullet fish (Mugil cephalus Linnaeus, 1758) tissues from the East Algerian coast. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 38 p. 115-126. Available at:
Effect of 2014 massive flood on well water qualities: A case study on Kelantan River basin, Malaysia
Rahman H.A.Ab., Ibrahim N.A., Abdul Hamid A.A., Abdul Hamid T.H.T.
Key words: drinking well, flood inundation, Kelantan River basin, total coliform, water quality
For citation: Rahman H.A.Ab., Ibrahim N.A., Abdul Hamid A.A., Abdul Hamid T.H.T. 2018. Effect of 2014 massive flood on well water qualities: A case study on Kelantan River basin, Malaysia. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 38 p. 127-136. Available at:
How species colonize gaps after soil disturbance in temporary ponds? Implication of species traits
Sahib N.
Key words: dispersion, propagules, resilience, seeds, soil disturbances, temporary ponds
For citation: Sahib N. 2018. How species colonize gaps after soil disturbance in temporary ponds? Implication of species traits. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 38 p. 137-145. Available at:
Contents of selected macronutrients in bottom sediments of two water reservoirs and assessment of their suitability for natural use
Wójcikowska-Kapusta A., Smal H., Ligęza S.
Key words: bottom sediments, Ca, Mg, K, Na, natural use, water reservoirs
For citation: Wójcikowska-Kapusta A., Smal H., Ligęza S. 2018. Contents of selected macronutrients in bottom sediments of two water reservoirs and assessment of their suitability for natural use. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 38 p. 147-153. Available at:
Hydrological drought index based on reservoir capacity Case study of Batujai dam in Lombok Island, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
Yasa I W., Bisri M., Sholichin M., Andawayanti U.
Key words: drought, El-Nino, hydrological drought index, inflow, outflow, reservoir
For citation: Yasa I W., Bisri M., Sholichin M., Andawayanti U. 2018. Hydrological drought index based on reservoir capacity Case study of Batujai dam in Lombok Island, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 38 p. 155-162. Available at: