No 54 - Journal of Water and Land Development

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Journal of Water and Land Development
Journal of Water and Land Development
Journal of Water and Land Development
Journal of Water and Land Development
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Open Access
Number 54 (2022)
Analysis of groundwater quality in the lower Soummam Valley,  North-East of Algeria
Messaoud Ghodbane, Lahcen Benaabidate, Abderrahmane Boudoukha,  Aissam Gaagai, Omar Adjissi, Warda Chaib, Hani Amir Aouissi

Key words: Algeria, analysis of groundwater quality, hydrochemical data, multivariate statistical analysis, Soummam  Valley
For citation: Ghodbane M., Benaabidate L., Boudoukha A., Gaagai A., Adjissi O., Chaib W., Aouissi H.A. 2022. Analysis of groundwater quality in the lower Soummam Valley, North-East of Algeria. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 54p. 1–12. Available at:

Development of a neural statistical model  for the prediction of relative humidity levels  in the region of Rabat-Kenitra, North West Morocco
Kaoutar El Azhari, Badreddine Abdallaoui, Ali Dehbi,  Abdelaziz Abdalloui, Hamid Zineddine

Key words: artificial neural network (ANN), learning algorithm, multi-layer perceptron (MLP), modelling, Rabat-Kenitra, relative humidity
For citation: El Azhari K., Abdallaoui B., Dehbi A., Abdalloui A., Zineddine H.2022. Development of a neural statistical model for the prediction of relative humidity levels in the region of Rabat-Kenitra, North West Morocco. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 54p. 13–20. Available at:

The use of the phytomonitoring method  to control the irrigation of tomato plantations: A case study
Andrii Shatkovskyi, Olexandr Zhuravlov, Volodymyr Vasiuta

Key words: fruit growth rate phytomonitoring, daily amplitude of stem contraction, maximum daily stem diameter,  minimum daily stem diameter, sap flow, water balance of the plant
For citation: Shatkovskyi A., Olexandr Z., Vasiuta V.2022. The use of the phytomonitoring method to control the irrigation of tomato plantations: A case study. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 54p. 21–25. Available at:

Mathematical modelling by convection–diffusion  with reaction of organic pollution in the wadi Mouillah stream,  north-western Algeria
Lotfi Benadda, Belkheir Djelita, Abdelghani Chiboub-Fellah

Key words: biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), diffusion, Hammam Boughrara dam, mathematical modelling,  pollution, total phosphorus, wadi Mouillah
For citation: Benadda L., Djelita B., Chiboub-Fellah A. 2022. Mathematical modelling by convection-diffusion with reaction of organic pollution in the wadiMouillah stream north-western Algeria. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 54 p. 26–37. Available at:

Climate change necessitates a change  in the cultivation date of caraway (Carum carvi L.)
Mostafa Fathi Ibrahim, Muhammad Moaaz Ali, Sobhi F. Lamlom,  Hazem M. Kalaji, Ahmed F. Yousef

Key words: climate change, condiments, leafy vegetables, sowing time, vegetative growth, volatile oil
For citation: Ibrahim M.F., Ali M.M., Lamlom S.F., Kalaji H.M., Yousef A.F. 2022. Climate change necessitates a change in the cultivation date of caraway (Carumcarvi L.). Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 54 p. 38–47. Available at:

Microorganisms’ communities from ballast water  transferred into the Odra River estuary
Kinga Zatoń-Sieczka, Magdalena Błaszak, Marta Buśko, Przemysław Czerniejewski

Key words: ballast water management, microorganisms, ship ballast water, water environment, water transport
For citation: Zatoń-Sieczka K., Błaszak M., Buśko M., Czerniejewski P. 2022.Microorganisms’ communities from ballast water transferred into the Odra River estuary. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 54 p. 48–58. Available at:

Risk assessment of irrigation  with water contaminated by trace metals  on the soil–plant complex in the El Madher plain,  north-east Algeria
Farida Benfarhi, Mohamed Redha Menani

Key words: agricultural soil, El Madher plain, irrigation wastewater, trace metals, vegetable crops, Wadi El Gourzi
For citation: Benfarhi Farida, Menani M.R. 2022. Risk assessment of irrigation with water contaminated by trace metals on the soil–plant complex in the El Madher plain, north-east Algeria. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 54 p. 59–67. Available at:

The content and stock of organic carbon  in the soils of grasslands in Poland  and the possibility of increasing its sequestration
Stefan Pietrzak, Jakub T. Hołaj-Krzak

Key words: grassland, management practices, organic carbon content, organic carbon stock, organic carbon sequestration, soils
For citation: Pietrzak S., Hołaj-Krzak J.T. 2022. The content and stock of organic carbon in the soils of grasslands in Poland and the possibility of increasing its sequestration. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 54 p. 68–76. Available at:

Agronomic evaluation of irrigation water  on the Southern Buh and Kamianska irrigation systems
Sergiy Chornyy, Vera Isaiva

Key words: bicarbonate, chlorine anions, electrical conductivity, irrigation water, salt content, sodium cations
For citation: Chornyy S., Isaiva V. 2022. Agronomic evaluation of irrigation water on the Southern Buh and Kamianska irrigation systems. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 54 p.77–83. Available at:

Treatment of methanol-containing wastewater  at gas condensate production
Andrey Ivanov, Alexey Strizhenok, Gabriel Borowski

Key words: biological treatment, gas condensate, hydrates, methanol, rectification, regeneration, wastewater
For citation: Ivanov A., Strizhenok A., Borowski G. 2022. Treatment of methanol-containing wastewater at gas condensate production. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 54 p. 84–93. Available at:

The efficiency of waste hot water utilisation  to improve the temperature conditions for growing plants
Vasil Turcheniuk, Anatoliy Rokochinskiy, Lyudmyla Kuzmych,  Pavlo Volk, Roman Koptyuk, Ivan Romanyuk, Galyna Voropay

Key words: cooling, recycling, soil heating, soil temperature, waste water heat, water regime
For citation: Turcheniuk V., Rokochinskiy A., Kuzmych L., Volk P., Koptyuk R., Romanyuk I., Voropay G. 2022. The efficiency of waste hot water utilisation to improve the temperature conditions for growing plants. Journal of Water and Land Development. No 54.p. 94–100. Available at:

Study of a smart irrigation system  for water managing for potatoes in Chlef region, Algeria
Mohammed Amoura, Mustapha Douani, Toufik Tahri

Key words: Chlef area, plot productivity, potato, smart irrigation system, water consumption
For citation: Amoura M., Douani M., Tahri T. 2022. Study of a smart irrigation system for water managing for potatoes in Chlef region, Algeria. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 54 p. 101–108. Available at:

Review of impacts of climate changes  on the urban water security of Islamabad, Pakistan
Attaullah Shah, Rehmat Karim, Karamat Ali

Key words: climate change, global warming, Islamabad, urban water
For citation: Shah A., Karim R., Ali K. 2022. Review of impacts of climate changes on the urban water security of Islamabad, Pakistan. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 54 p. 109–115. Available at:

Study of dam sediment distribution  using experimental area-reduction method  Case study: Karun Dam
Rakhmat Yusuf, Aan Komariah, Dedy Achmad Kurniady,  Mardiani Mardiani, Jumintono Jumintono, Khaldoon T. Falih,  Oleg V. Kabanov, Surendar Aravindhan, Mustafa Mohammed Kadhim

Key words: area-reduction method, dam reservoir, distribution of sediment, elevation–area curve, elevation–volume  curve
For citation: Yusuf R., Komariah A.,Kurniady D.A., Mardiani M., Jumintono J., Falih K.T., Kabanov O.V., Aravindhan S., Kadhim M.M. 2022. Study of dam sediment distribution using experimental area-reduction method Case study: Karun Dam. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 54 p. 116–120. Available at:

Curve Flow-duration-Frequency.  The flood modelling regime of the Wadi Mazafran catchment  in the north of Algeria
Sofiane Kourat, Bénina Touaïbia, Abdelhalim Yahiaoui

Key words: duration, flood, flood regime, flow, Flow-duration-Frequency (QdF) modelling, frequency, Mazafran
For citation: Kourat S., Touaïbia B., Yahiaoui A. 2022. Curve Flow-duration-Frequency. The flood modelling regime of the WadiMazafran catchment in the north of Algeria. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 54 p. 121–130. Available at:

Technological improvement of the Sorghum saccharatum  syrup production by membrane technologies
Vadym Chibrikov, Polina Vakuliuk, Nataliia Hryhorenko,  Sergiy Gunko, Henryk Sobczuk

Key words: juice clarification, juice concentration, membrane distillation, Sorghum saccharatum, sweet sorghum syrup,  ultrafiltration
For citation: Chibrikov V., Vakuliuk P., Hryhorenko N., Gunko S., Sobczuk H. 2022. Technological improvement of the Sorghum saccharatum syrup production by membrane technologies. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 54 p. 131–137. Available at:

Water resources of Kazakhstan in conditions of uncertainty
Aisulu Tursunova, Akhmetkal Medeu, Sayat Alimkulov,  Assel Saparova, Gaukhar Baspakova

Key words: anthropogenic influences, river runoff, transboundary water problems, water resources
For citation: Tursunova A., Medeu A., Alimkulov S., Saparova A., Baspakova G. 2022. Water resources of Kazakhstan in conditions of uncertainty. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 54 p. 138–149. Available at:

Effects of global warming on insect behaviour in agriculture
Alim Al Ayub Ahmed, Marziah Zahar, Vera Gribkova, Natalia Nikolaeva,  Ngakan Ketut Acwin Dwijendra, Wanich Suksatan, Karrar Kamil Atiyah,  Abduladheem Turki Jalil, Surendar Aravindhan

Key words: agriculture, climate change, food security, global warming, insect pests
For citation: Ahmed A.A.A., Zahar M., Gribkova V., Nikolaeva N., Dwijendra N.K.A., Suksatan W., Atiyah K.K., Jalil A.T., Aravindhan S. 2022.Effects of global warming on insect behaviour in agriculture. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 54.p. 150–153. Available at:

Application of seepage time curve  in the assessment of flood embankment tightness
Zbigniew Sroka

Key words: flood protection system, levee, seepage, time of seepage
For citation: Sroka Z. 2022. Application of seepage time curve in the assessment of flood embankment tightness. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 54 p. 154–159. Available at:

Nutrients from beach recreation in the context  of the limnological status of a mesotrophic lake
Artur Serafin, Antoni Grzywna, Renata Augustyniak, Urszula Bronowicka-Mielniczuk

Key words: beach tourism, eutrophication, lakes, nutrients, physical carrying capacity (PCC), trophic state indices (TSI)
For citation: Serafin A., Grzywna A., Augustyniak R., Bronowicka-Mielniczuk U. 2022.Nutrients from beach recreation in the context of the limnological status of a mesotrophic lake. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 54 p. 160–171. Available at:

Compare and evaluate the performance  of structural flood risk management options
Ngakan K.A. Dwijendra, Ali Majdi

Key words: annual expected damage, assurance, flood, risk management
For citation: Dwijendra N.K.A., Majdi A.2022. Compare and evaluate the performance of structural flood risk management optionsJournal of Water and Land Development. No. 54 p. 172–176. Available at:

A scenario analysis of climate change and adaptation measures  to inform Dutch policy in The Netherlands
Erik Querner, Jan den Besten, Rinke van Veen, Harry Jager

Key words: buffer zones, climate change, Drentsche Aa, hydrological modelling, policy rules, strategy water  management
For citation: Querner E., den Besten J., van Veen R., Jager H. 2022.A scenario analysis of climate change and adaptation measures to inform Dutch policy in The Netherlands. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 54 p. 177–183. Available at:

Hydrography, hydrochemistry and composition  of sapropel of Shatsk Lakes
Valentyn Khilchevskyi, Leonid Ilyin, Mykhailo Pasichnyk,  Myroslava Zabokrytska, Olga Ilyina

Key words: bottom sediments, lake, sapropel, Shatsk Lakes
For citation: Khilchevskyi V., Ilyin L., Pasichnyk M., Zabokrytska M., Ilyina O. 2022. Hydrography, hydrochemistry and composition of sapropel of Shatsk Lakes. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 54 p. 184–193. Available at:

Salinisation process of Lake Sidi Boughaba, Kenitra,  North Western, Morocco: A statistical approach
Mohamed Lachhab, Mohamed Najy, Fatima Zahra Talbi, Aziz Taouraout,  Mohamed El Qryefy, Hassan Ech-Chafay, Driss Belghyti, Khadija El Kharrim

Key words: Kenitra, marine aerosols, Morocco, salinisation, Sidi Boughaba Lake
For citation: Lachhab M., Najy M., Talbi F.Z., Taouraout A., El Qryefy M., Ech-Chafay H., Belghyti D., El Kharrim K. 2022.Salinisation process of Lake Sidi Boughaba, Kenitra, North Western, Morocco: A statistical approach. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 54 p. 194–200. Available at:

Evapotranspiration, vapour pressure and climatic water deficit  in Ethiopia mapped using GMT and TerraClimate dataset
Polina Lemenkova

Key words: cartography, climatic water deficit, environmental management, Ethiopia, evapotranspiration mapping,  vapour pressure
For citation: Lemenkova P. 2022.Evapotranspiration, vapour pressure and climatic water deficit in Ethiopia mapped using GMT and TerraClimate dataset. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 54 p. 201–209. Available at:

Modifications in aquaculture technology  for increasing fishpond’s primary productivity  in temperate climatic conditions
Ludmiła Kolek, Ilgiz Irnazarow

Key words: integrated intensive-extensive aquaculture; carbon-nitrogen ratio, periphyton, pond aeration, polyculture  fish farming
For citation: Kolek L., Irnazarow I. 2022. Modifications in aquaculture technology for increasing fishpond’s primary productivity in temperate climatic conditions.Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 54 p. 210–219. Available at:

An innovative idea: Injection valves for irrigation ducts
Dmitrii M. Benin, Vera L. Snezhko

Key words: automation, hydraulic engineering, hydraulic structures, hydraulics, irrigation, irrigation canals, valves
For citation: Benin D.M., Snezhko V.L. 2022.An innovative idea: Injection valves for irrigation ducts. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 54 p. 220–224. Available at:

The removal efficiency and reaction mechanism  of the aluminum coagulant on phenolic compounds  in the presence of hardness salts
Lynda Hecini, Hassen Boukerker, Wahida Kherifi, Abdelkarim Mellah, Samia Achour

Key words: phenolic compounds, hardness salt, aluminum sulphate, coagulation-flocculation, mechanism
For citation: Hecini L., Boukerker H., Kherifi W., Mellah A., Achour S. 2022. The removal efficiency and reaction mechanism of the aluminum coagulant on phenolic compounds in the presence of hardness salts. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 54 p. 225–233. Available at:

Exogenous regulation of the potatoes’ adaptive potential  when using bio stimulants
Aleksandra V. Shitikova, Adewale A. Abiala, Alexander A. Tevchenkov,  Svetlana S. Bazhenova, Nikolay N. Lazarev, Evgeniya M. Kurenkova

Key words: abiotic stress, antioxidant, biopolymer chitosan, growth regulators, potato, N-tester, near infrared,  normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI)
For citation: Shitikova A.V., Abiala A.A., Tevchenkov A.A., Bazhenova S.S., Lazarev N.N., Kurenkova E.M. 2022. Exogenous regulation of the potatoes’ adaptive potential when using bio stimulants.Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 54 p. 234–238. Available at:

Retraction: Comparative physiological aspects of plasma hemostasis  of some commercial fish species
The editors of the Journal of Water and Land Development retract this article because of autoplagiarism found: an article with the same title and results by Daria Igorevna Berezina and Luybov Leonidovna Fomina was identified in the Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology & Fisheries (

Holya Alobaidy, Hayder Dawood Saleem, Aiman Mohammed Baqir Al-Dhalimy

Key words: blood, carp, clotting, coagulogram, commercial fish species, plasma hemostasis, sturgeon, tilapia
For citation: Alobaidy H., Saleem H.D., Al-Dhalimy A.M.B. 2022. Comparative physiological aspects of plasma hemostasis of some commercial fish species. Journal of Water and Land Development. No 54.p. 239–242. Available at:

Physical-chemical characterisation of the urban wastewater –  case study of the Boumerdes region, North – Algeria
Djalal Ait Baziz, Abdelhak Maazouzi, Salih Lachache

Key words: D>Boumerdes, physical-chemical parameters, pollution, urban wastewater, water quality standards
For citation: Baziz D.A., Maazouzi A., Lachache S. 2022. Physical-chemical characterisation of the urban wastewater – case study of the Boumerdes region, North – Algeria. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 54 p. 243–250. Available at:

Design of water supply networks for water transfer  to the urban area Case study: Balikpapan city
Dinh T.N. Huy, Ngakan K.A. Dwijendra, Andrey Poltarykhin,  Wanich Suksatan, Nooraldeen S. Nahi, Trias Mahmudiono, Nguyen T. Hai, Mustafa M. Kadhim, Krishanveer Singh, Alim A.A. Ahmed

Key words: network design, water distribution, water shortage, water supply network, water transmission
For citation: Huy D.T.N., Dwijendra N.K.A., Poltarykhin A., Suksatan W., Nahi N.S., Mahmudiono T., Hai N.T., Kadhim M.M., Singh K., Ahmed A.A.A. 2022. Design of water supply networks for water transfer to the urban area Case study: Balikpapan city. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 54 p. 251–254. Available at:

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