Number 24 (2015)
Vulnerability of soils in the watershed of Wadi El Hammam to water erosion (Algeria)
Gliz M., Remini B., Anteur D., Makhlouf M.
Key words: GIS, remote sensing, Wadi El Hammam, water erosion, watershed
For citation: Gliz M., Remini B., Anteur D., Makhlouf M. 2015. Vulnerability of soils in the watershed of Wadi El Hammam to water erosion (Algeria). Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 24 p. 3-10.
Groundwater quality and hydrogeological characteristics of Malacca state in Malaysia
Shirazi S.M., Adham M.I., Zardari N.H., Ismail Z., Imran H.M., Mangrio M.A.
Key words: aquifer productivity, groundwater, Malacca catchment, pumping test, water quality
For citation: Shirazi S.M., Adham M.I., Zardari N.H., Ismail Z., Imran H.M., Mangrio M.A. 2015. Groundwater quality and hydrogeological characteristics of Malacca state in Malaysia. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 24 p. 11-19.
Criteria for the evaluation of reclamation status of soils in the Mugan-Salyan massif
Mustafayev M.G.
Key words: anthropogenic and natural factors, evaluating criteria, reclamation status, salinity, solonetz, subsoil waters
For citation: Mustafayev M.G. 2015. Criteria for the evaluation of reclamation status of soils in the Mugan-Salyan massif. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 24 p. 21-26.
The relations between dissolved organic carbon and hydro-climatic factors in peat-muck soil
Jaszczyński J.
Key words: DOC, peat-muck soils, redox potential, soil solution, soil temperature, torrential rains
For citation: Jaszczyński J. 2015. The relationship between dissolved organic carbon and hydro-climatic factors in peatmuck soil. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 24 p. 27-33.
Impact of sediment transport of the Chellif River on silting of the Boughezoul reservoir (Algeria)
Remini B., Bensafia D., Nasroun T.
Key words: Boughezoul dam, Oued Chellif, sediment transport, siltation
For citation: Remini B., Bensafia D., Nasroun T. 2015. Impact of sediment transport of the Chellif River on silting of the Boughezoul reservoir (Algeria). Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 24 p. 35-40.
Application of CVM method in the evaluation of flood control and water and sewage management projects
Liziński T., Wróblewska A., Rauba A.
Key words: contingent valuation method, flood risk, sewage treatment, willingness to pay
For citation: Liziński T., Wróblewska A., Rauba K. 2015. Application of CVM method in the evaluation of flood control and water and sewage management projects. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 24 p. 41-49.