Number 22 (2014)
The Application of Box-Cox Transformation to Determine the Standardised Precipitation Index (SPI), the Standardised Discharge Index (SDI) and to Identify Drought Events: Case study in Eastern Kujawy (Central Poland)
Bartczak A., Glazik R., Tyszkowski S.
Key words: Box –Cox transformation, Eastern Kujawy, Gaussian distribution, meteorological drought, moving trend, SDI, SPI, variance homogeneity
For citation: Bartczak A., Glazik R., Tyszkowski S. 2014. The application of Box–Cox transformation to determine the Standardised Precipitation Index (SPI), the Standardised Discharge Index (SDI) and to identify drought events: Case study in Eastern Kujawy (Central Poland). Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 22 p. 3–15.
Analysis of criteria for delimiting less favoured mountain areas (LFA)
Kowalczyk A., Kuźniar A., Kostuch M
Key words: delimiting, land use, LFA, mountain areas
For citation: Kowalczyk A., Kuźniar A., Kostuch M. 2014. Analysis of criteria for delimiting less favoured mountain areas (LFA). Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 22 p. 17–24.
Evaluation of relationship between air pollutant concentration and meteorological elements in winter months
Żyromski A., Biniak-Pieróg M., Burszta-Adamiak E., Zamiar Z.
Key words: atmospheric pollutants, meteorological parameters, step-wise regression, winter season
For citation: Żyromski A., Biniak-Pieróg M., Burszta-Adamiak E., Zamiar Z. 2014. Evaluation of relationship between air pollutant concentration and meteorological elements in winter months. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 22 p. 25–32.
Using Water and Agrochemicals in the soil, crop and Vadose Environment (WAVE) model to interpret nitrogen balance and soil water reserve under different tillage managements
Zare N., Khaledian M.R., Mailhol J.C.
Key words: conservation tillage, corn, modeling, nitrogen balance, soil water reserve
For citation: Zare N., Khaledian M., Mailhol J.C. 2014. Using Water and Agrochemicals in the soil, crop and Vadose Environment (WAVE) model to interpret nitrogen balance and soil water reserve under different tillage managements. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 22 p. 33–39.
Dynamics of water content in light bare soil in summer half-year in the period of 2003–2012 and its agro-meteorological determinants
Biniak-Pieróg M.
Key words: ground water level, precipitation, soil water content, summer half-year, trends
For citation: Biniak-Pieróg M. 2014. Dynamics of water content in light bare soil in summer half-year in the period of 2003–2012 and its agro-meteorological determinants. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 22 p. 41– 50.
Effectiveness of straw mulch on infiltration, splash erosion, runoff and sediment in laboratory conditions
Gholami L., Banasik K., Sadeghi S.H., Khaledi Darvishan A., Hejduk L.
Key words: mulch, organic amendment, soil and water conservation, soil moisture, splash erosion
For citation: Gholami L., Banasik K., Sadeghi S.H., Khaledi Darvishan A., Hejduk L. 2014. Effectiveness of straw mulch on infiltration, splash erosion, runoff and sediment in laboratory conditions. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 22 p. 51–60.
The functioning of drainage canal near barrage “Brzeg Dolny” on the Odra River in 1971–2009
Olszewska B., Pływaczyk L., Łyczko W.
Key words: barrage, damming, drainage canal, percolating water, water flow
For citation: Olszewska B., Pływaczyk L., Łyczko W. 2014. The functioning of drainage canal near barrage “Brzeg Dolny” on the Odra River in 1971–2009. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 22 p. 61–66.