Number 29 (2016)
Actions and measures for mitigation drought and water scarcity in agriculture
Łabędzki L.
Key words: agriculture, drought, mitigation, water scarcity
For citation: Łabędzki L. 2016. Actions and measures for mitigation drought and water scarcity in agriculture. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 29 p. 3-10. DOI: 10.1515/jwld-2016-0007.
An assessment of crop water deficits of the plants growing on the Małopolska Upland (Poland)
Kowalczyk A., Łabędzki L., Kuźniar A., Kostuch M.
Key words: available soil water, crop water deficits, Małopolska Upland, plants
For citation: Kowalczyk A., Łabędzki L., Kuźniar A., Kostuch M. 2016. An assessment of crop water deficits of the plants growing on the Małopolska Upland (Poland). Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 29 p. 11-22. DOI: 10.1515/jwld-2016-0008.
Cleanup and valuation of the waters of the aquifer of the M'zabValley (Algeria)
Ouled Belkhir C., Remini B.
Key words: aquifer, dam, environment, ground water, pollution, the M'zab Valley
For citation: Ouled Belkhir C., Remini B. 2016. Cleanup and valuation of the waters of the aquifer of the M'zab Valley (Algeria). Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 29 p. 23-29. DOI: 10.1515/jwld-2016-0009.
Calibration and validation of SWAT model for estimating water balance and nitrogen losses in a small agricultural watershed in central Poland
Smarzyńska K., Miatkowski Z.
Key words: agricultural watershed, calibration, diffuse pollution, nitrogen losses, Soil and Water Assessment Tool, water balance
For citation: Smarzyńska K., Miatkowski Z. 2016. Calibration and validation of SWAT model for estimating water balance and nitrogen losses in a small agricultural watershed in central Poland. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 29 p. 31-47. DOI: 10.1515/jwld-2016-0010.
The role of the gallery in the functioning of the foggara
Remini B.
Key words: flow rate, foggara, gallery, Gourara, Touat, water
For citation: Remini B. 2016. The role of the gallery in the functioning of the foggara. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 29 p. 49-57. DOI: 10.1515/jwld-2016-0011.
Quality of shallow groundwater and manure effluents in a livestock farm
Smoroń S.
Key words: fertilizer components, ground water, natural fertilizers, surface water
For citation: Smoroń S. 2016. Quality of shallow groundwater and manure effluents in a livestock farm. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 29 p. 59-66. DOI: 10.1515/jwld-2016-0012.
Land use impact on overland flow: micro-scale field experimental analysis
Minea G., Ioana-Toroimac G.
Key words: fields experiment, grasses, micro-scale, overland flow, runoff plots
For citation: Minea G., Ioana-Toroimac G. 2016. Land use impact on overland flow: micro-scale field experimental analysis. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 29 p. 67-74. DOI: 10.1515/jwld-2016-0013.
Forecasting suspended sediment load using regularized neural network: Case study of the Isser River (Algeria)
Tachi S.E., Ouerdachi L., Remaoun M., Derdous O., Boutaghane H.
Key words: artificial neural network, Beni Amran reservoir, early stopping, Isser River, sediment load
For citation: Tachi S.E., Ouerdachi L., Remaoun M., Derdous O., Boutaghane H. 2016. Forecasting suspended sediment load using regularized neural network: Case study of the Isser River (Algeria). Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 29 p. 75-81. DOI: 10.1515/jwld-2016-0014.