Number 16 (2012)
Analysis of the retention capacity of green roofs
Burszta-Adamiak E.
Key words: green roofs, peak runoff reduction, retention, stormwater, urban area
For citation: Burszta-Adamiak E. 2012. Analysis of the retention capacity of green roofs. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 16 p. 3–9.
Investigation of droughts in the Lankaran region of Azerbaijan
Imanov F.A., Mammadov A.S., Hasanova N.I.
Key words: drought, SPI, Lankaran, climatic zone, river flow
For citation: Imanov F.A., Mammadov A.S., Hasanova N.I. 2012. Investigation of droughts in the Lankaran region of Azerbaijan. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 16 p. 11–15.
Effect of night and day temperature on the cover colour and quality parameters of apple
Lakatos L., Biniak-Pieróg M., Żyromski A.
Key words: cover colour of apple fruits, fruit quality, night and day temperature
For citation: Lakatos L., Biniak-Pieróg M., Żyromski A. 2012. Effect of night and day temperature on the cover colour and quality parameters of apple. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 16 p. 23–28.
Possibility for modification of microclimate in orchards by using evaporative cooling irrigation
Lakatos L., Żyromski A., Biniak-Pieróg M.
Key words: evaporative cooling irrigation, microclimate modification, delay of blooming
For citation: Lakatos L., Żyromski A., Biniak-Pieróg M. 2012. Possibility for modification of microclimate in orchards by using evaporative cooling irrigation. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 16 p. 29–34.
Protection of natural wetlands – the examples of conflicts
Mioduszewski W., Okruszko T.
Key words: environmental protection, national parks, water management, wetlands
For citation: Mioduszewski W., Okruszko T. 2012. Protection of natural wetlands – the examples of conflicts. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 16 p. 35–42.
Assessment of water physico-chemical characteristics and statistical evaluation of Narmada Estuarine Region, Gujarat, India
Nirmal Kumar I.J., Basil G., Nirmal Kumar R., Sajish P.R., Shailendra V.
Key words: multivariate statistics, Narmada estuary, physico-chemical parameters, principal component analysis, seasonality
For citation: Nirmal Kumar I.J., Basil G., Nirmal Kumar R., Sajish P.R., Shailendra V. 2012. Assessment of water physico-chemical characteristics and statistical evaluation of Narmada Estuarine Region, Gujarat, India. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 16 p. 43–48.
The Mzab foggara: an original technique for collecting the water rising
Remini B., Achour B., Ouled B.C., Baba A.D.
Key words: foggara, Ghardaia, Mzab, rising, wadi
For citation: Remini B., Achour B., Ouled B.C., Baba A.D. 2012. The Mzab foggara: an original technique for collecting the water rising. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 16 p. 49–53.
Remarks on the introduction of advanced irrigation technology in Azerbaijan
Salimov F.N.
Key words: cotton plant, drop irrigation, micro sprinkling, dropper, water sprinkler
For citation: Salimov F.N. 2012. Remarks on the introduction of advanced irrigation technology in Azerbaijan. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 16 p. 55–59.
Phosphorus sorption properties of deposits from peat-muck soil profile in the Kuwasy object
Sapek B.
Key words: adsorption energy, Langmuir adsorption isotherm, peat-muck soil, phosphorus, soil profile, sorption capacity
For citation: Sapek B. 2012. Phosphorus sorption properties of deposits from peat-muck soil profile in the Kuwasy object. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 16 p. 61–66.