Number 37 (2018)

Drought and water mobilization in semi-arid zone: The example of Hammam Boughrara dam (North-West of Algeria)
Adjim H., Djedid A.
Key words: drought, rainfall, regularized volume, semi-arid zone, statistical tests, water mobilization
For citation: Adjim H., Djedid A. 2018. Drought and water mobilization in semi-arid zone: The example of Hammam Boughrara dam (North-West of Algeria). Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 37 p. 3-10. Available at:
Adoption of sawah eco-technology in rice production by farm households in Kebbi State, Nigeria
Alarima C.I., Awotunde J.M., Adamu C.O., Akerele D., Masunaga T., Wakatsuki T.
Key words: adoption, factors, Kebbi State, Nigeria, sawah technology
For citation: Alarima C.I., Awotunde J.M., Adamu C.O., Akerele D., Masunaga T., Wakatsuki T. 2018. Adoption of sawah eco-technology in rice production by farm households in Kebbi State, Nigeria. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 37 p. 11-17. Available at:
Inundation maps for extreme flood events: Case study of Sidi Bel Abbes city, Algeria
Atallah M., Hazzab A., Seddini A., Ghenaim A., Korichi K.
Key words: flood, inundation maps, RungeKutta discontinuous Galerkin, Saint-Venant equations, Wadi Mekerra
For citation: Atallah M., Hazzab A., Seddini A., Ghenaim A., Korichi K. 2018. Inundation maps for extreme flood events: Case study of Sidi Bel Abbes city, Algeria. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 37 p. 19-27. Available at:
Quantification and study of monthly variation of suspended sediment loads in Tafna basin Algeria
Belarbi F., Bouchelkia H., Remini B., Benmansour A.
Key words: erosion, sediment transport, statistics, suspension, Tafna basin, watershed
For citation: Belarbi F., Bouchelkia H., Remini B., Benmansour A. 2018. Quantification and study of monthly variation of suspended sediment loads in Tafna basin Algeria. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 37 p. 29-38. Available at:
Characterization of the Hammamet basin aquifer (North-East of Algeria) through geochemical and geostructural methods and analysis
Chelih F., Fehdi C., Khan S.
Key words: Algeria, aquifer, Hammamet plain, hydrogeology, isotopes, remote sensing
For citation: Chelih F., Fehdi C., Khan S. 2018. Characterization of the Hammamet basin aquifer (North-East of Algeria) through geochemical and geostructural methods and analysis. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 37 p. 39-48. Available at:
Condition and population structure of the round goby (Neogobius melanostomus Pallas, 1811) in Szczecin Lagoon in 2010-2014
Czerniejewski P., Brysiewicz A.
Key words: age of fish, gender structure, length structure, Neogobius melanostomus, round goby, Szczecin Lagoon
For citation: Czerniejewski P., Brysiewicz A. 2018. Condition and population structure of the round goby (Neogobius melanostomus Pallas, 1811) in Szczecin Lagoon in 2010-2014. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 37 p. 49-55. Available at:
Evolution of capture technologies of water in the oases: Moghrar, Tiout and Boussemghoun (Algeria)
Hadidi A., Remini B., Habi M.
Key words: capture, drilling, environment, oasis, traditional pump, water
For citation: Hadidi A., Remini B., Habi M. 2018. Evolution of capture technologies of water in the oases: Moghrar, Tiout and Boussemghoun (Algeria). Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 37 p. 57-63. Available at:
Multivariate statistical characterization of groundwater quality in Fesdis, East of Algeria
Khelif S., Boudoukha A.
Key words: cluster analysis, Fesdis Plain, groundwater, hydrochemistry, multivariate statistical techniques, principal component analysis
For citation: Khelif S., Boudoukha A. 2018. Multivariate statistical characterization of groundwater quality in Fesdis, East of Algeria. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 37 p. 65-74. Available at:
Hydrological conditions of peatland formation based on a dynamic curve of a biogenic sediments sequence a new proposal
Lipka K., Zając E.
Key words: biogenic sediments sequence, dynamic curve, peatland geology, peatland hydrology, plant macrofossils
For citation: Lipka K., Zając E. 2018. Hydrological conditions of peatland formation based on a dynamic curve of a biogenic sediments sequence a new proposal. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 37 p. 75-85. Available at:
Chezys resistance coefficient in an egg-shaped conduit
Loukam I., Achour B., Djemili L.
Key words: Chezys resistance coefficient, egg-shaped conduit, maximum resistance coefficient, rough model method, simplified method, uniform flow
For citation: Loukam I., Achour B., Djemili L. 2018. Chezys resistance coefficient in an egg-shaped conduit. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 37 p. 87-96. Available at:
Analysis of future climate scenarios and their impact on agriculture in eastern Arkansas
Magugu J.W., Feng S., Huang Q., Zhang Y., West G.H.
Key words: agriculture, climate change, climate scenarios, precipitation, temperature
For citation: Magugu J.W., Feng S., Huang Q., Zhang Y., West G.H. 2018. Analysis of future climate scenarios and their impact on agriculture in eastern Arkansas. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 37 p. 97-112. Available at:
Salinity and modelling of the Annaba aquifer system, North-East of Algeria
Majour H., Hani A., Djabri L.
Key words: Annaba, contamination, North-East of Algeria, salinity, solute-transport model
For citation: Majour H., Hani A., Djabri L. 2018. Salinity and modelling of the Annaba aquifer system, North-East of Algeria. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 37 p. 113-120. Available at:
Using DEM and GIS for evaluation of groundwater resources in relation to landforms in the Maharlou-Bakhtegan watershed, Fars province, Iran
Mokarram M., Shaygan M., Sathyamoorthy D.
Key words: compound topographic index (CTI), digital elevation model (DEM), geographic information system (GIS), groundwater, landforms, Maharlou-Bakhtegan, topographic position index (TPI)
For citation: Mokarram M., Shaygan M., Sathyamoorthy D. 2018. Using DEM and GIS for evaluation of groundwater resources in relation to landforms in the Maharlou-Bakhtegan watershed, Fars province, Iran. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 37 p. 121-126. Available at:
Stochastic ARIMA model for annual rainfall and maximum temperature forecasting over Tordzie watershed in Ghana
Nyatuame M., Agodzo S.K.
Key words: ARIMA, forecasting, rainfall model, temperature, Tordzie watershed
For citation: Nyatuame M., Agodzo S.K. 2018. Stochastic ARIMA model for annual rainfall and maximum temperature forecasting over Tordzie watershed in Ghana. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 37 p. 127-140. Available at:
Automatic calibration and sensitivity analysis of DISPRIN model parameters: A case study on Lesti watershed in East Java, Indonesia
Sulianto, Bisri M., Limantara L.M., Sisinggih D.
Key words: differential evolution, Dee Investigation Simulation Program for Regulating Network (DISPRIN) model, Lesti watershed, simulation
For citation: Sulianto, Bisri M., Limantara L.M., Sisinggih D. 2018. Automatic calibration and sensitivity analysis of DISPRIN model parameters: A case study on Lesti watershed in East Java, Indonesia. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 37 p. 141-152. Available at:
Evaluation of infiltration models for mineral soils with different land uses in the tropics
Suryoputro N., Suhardjono, Soetopo W., Suhartanto E.S., Limantara L.M.
Key words: infiltration models, land use, mineral soil, tropical climate
For citation: Suryoputro N., Suhardjono, Soetopo W., Suhartanto E.S., Limantara L.M. 2018. Evaluation of infiltration models for mineral soils with different land uses in the tropics. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 37 p. 153-160. Available at:
Water erosion on marl slopes and prevention of its effects using conservation of water and soil systems in the Wadi Isser watershed Algeria
Zobiri M., Mazour M., Morsli B.
Key words: efficiency of conservation of water and soil, erosion, marl, siltation, Wadi Isser watershed
For citation: Zobiri M., Mazour M., Morsli B. 2018. Water erosion on marl slopes and prevention of its effects using conservation of water and soil systems in the Wadi Isser watershed Algeria. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 37 p. 161-169. Available at: