Number 28 (2016)
Trend analysis of climatic variables in an arid and semi-arid region of the Ajmer District, Rajasthan, India
Pingale S.M., Khare D., Jat M. K., Adamowski J.
Key words: Mann–Kendall test, modified Mann–Kendall test, Pettitt–Mann–Whitney test, Rajasthan, Sen’s slope, trends
For citation: Pingale S.M., Khare D., Jat M. K., Adamowski J. 2016. Trend analysis of climatic variables in an arid and semi-arid region of the Ajmer District, Rajasthan, India. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 28 p. 3–18.
The importance of calibration parameters on the accuracy of the floods description in the Snyder’s model
Wałęga A.
Key words: efficiency of model, flexibility of model, objective function, unit hydrograph
For citation: Wałęga A. 2016. The importance of calibration parameters on the accuracy of the floods description in the Snyder’s model. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 28 p. 19–25.
A wavelet-SARIMA-ANN hybrid model for precipitation forecasting
Shafaei M., Adamowski J., Fakheri-Fard A., Dinpashoh Y., Adamowski K.
Key words: artificial neural network (ANN), precipitation forecasting, seasonal auto regressive integrated moving average (SARIMA), water resources management, wavelet
For citation: Shafaei M., Adamowski J., Fakheri-Fard A., Dinpashoh Y., Adamowski K. 2016. A wavelet-SARIMA-ANN hybrid model for precipitation forecasting. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 28 p. 27–36.
Water demand forecasting using extreme learning machines
Tiwari M., Adamowski J., Adamowski K.
Key words: artificial neural networks, bootstrap, Canada, extreme learning machines, uncertainty, water demand forecasting, wavelets
For citation: Tiwari M., Adamowski J., Adamowski K. 2016. Water demand forecasting using extreme learning machines. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 28 p. 37–52.
Assessment of the effect of reactive materials on the content of selected elements in Indian mustard grown in Cu-contaminated soils
Radziemska M., Jeznach J., Mazur Z., Fronczyk J., Bilgin A.
Key words: Indian mustard, lignite, soil contamination, zero-valent iron (ZVI)
For citation: Radziemska M., Jeznach J., Mazur Z., Fronczyk J., Bilgin A. 2016. Assessment of the effect of reactive materials on the content of selected elements in Indian mustard grown in Cu-contaminated soils. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 28 p. 53–60.
Analysis of hydraulic load of a wastewater treatment plant in Jasło
Młyński D., Chmielowski K., Młyńska A.
Key words: hydraulic load, sewage, sewage amount, wastewater treatment plant
For citation: Młyński D., Chmielowski K., Młyńska A. 2016. Analysis of hydraulic load of a wastewater treatment plant in Jasło. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 28 p. 61–67.