Number 15 (2011)
Current role of grasslands in development of agriculture and rural areas in Poland - an example of mountain voivodships małopolskie and podkarpackie
Jankowska-Huflejt H., Wróbel B., Twardy S.
Key words: agriculture, fodder use, livestock, mountain regions development, permanent grasslands
For citation: Jankowska-Huflejt H., Wróbel B., Twardy S. 2011. Current role of grasslands in development of agriculture and rural areas in Poland - an example of mountain voivodships małopolskie and podkarpackie. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 15 p. 3–18.
The land use changes in agricultural areas between 1980 and 2005 with particular emphasis on permanent grasslands - an example of the upper Raba River basin
Kopacz M., Twardy S.
Key words: agricultural use, animal stock, arable lands, NPK load, permanent grasslands
For citation: Kopacz M., Twardy S. 2011. The land use changes in agricultural areas between 1980 and 2005 with particular emphasis on permanent grasslands - an example of the upper Raba River basin. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 15 p. 19–28.
Characteristics of grasslands in the Polish Sudetes in view of fodder production potential and grassland protection
Nadolna L., Żyszkowska M.
Key words: fodder production, grasslands, livestock population, the Sudetes
For citation: Nadolna L., Żyszkowska M. 2011. Characteristics of grasslands in the Polish Sudetes in view of fodder production potential and grassland protection. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 15 p. 29–40.
Permanent turf grass as the factor alleviating water erosion in the Carpathian Mountains
Kowalczyk A., Twardy S., Kuźniar A.
Key words: erosion, grassland, soil losses equation, turf
For citation: Kowalczyk A., Twardy S., Kuźniar A. 2011. Permanent turf grass as the factor alleviating water erosion in the Carpathian Mountains. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 15 p. 41–51.
An assessment of the natural value of selected meadow-pasture communities in the middle Sudetes region
Żyszkowska M., Paszkiewicz-Jasińska A.
Key words: grasslands communities, natural value, protected and endangered plant species, rare, the Sudetes
For citation: Żyszkowska M., Paszkiewicz-Jasińska A. 2011. An assessment of the natural value of selected meadow-pasture communities in the middle Sudetes region. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 15 p. 53–64.
Influence of Prunus spinosa L. shrub on the grassland vegetation in western Romania
Sarateanu V., Moisuc A.
Key words: correlation, floristic composition, grassland, Prunus spinosa L., vegetation
For citation: Sarateanu V., Moisuc A. 2011. Influence of Prunus spinosa L. shrub on the grassland vegetation in western Romania. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 15 p. 65–71.
Protective significance of meadows and pastures for the natural environment of the Western Carpathians (as an example of the Upper Dunajec River basin)
Smoroń S., Kopacz M., Twardy S., Kuźniar A.
Key words: meadows and pastures, nutrients, the environment, the Western Carpathian
For citation: Smoroń S., Kopacz M., Twardy S., Kuźniar A. 2011. Protective significance of meadows and pastures for the natural environment of the Western Carpathians. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 15 p. 73–82.
The impact of cattle and sheep grazing on grassland in Velka Fatra National Park
Jendrisakova S., Kovacikova Z., Vargova V., Michalec M.
Key words: grazing, alpine grassland, cattle, sheep, botanical composition
For citation: Jendrisakova S., Kovacikova Z., Vargova V., Michalec M. 2011. The impact of cattle and sheep grazing on grassland in Velka Fatra National Park. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 15 p. 83–90.
Assessing the factors limiting the Rosa gallica L. shrub occurrence in Romanian grasslands (case study)
Sarateanu V., Moisuc A., Laies D.G.
Key words: fertilisation, floristic composition, grassland, Rosa gallica L., vegetation
For citation: Sarateanu V., Moisuc A., Laies D.G. 2011. Assessing the factors limiting the Rosa gallica L. shrub occurrence in Romanian grasslands (case study). Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 15 p. 91–98.
The role of grasslands in the formation of structural and spatial order of rural areas
Twardy S., Jankowska-Huflejt H., Wróbel B.
Key words: permanent grasslands, structural changes, mountain rural areas
For citation: Twardy S., Jankowska-Huflejt H., Wróbel B. 2011. The role of grasslands in the formation of structural and spatial order of rural areas. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 15 p. 99–113.
Productive and economic factors affecting the development of mountain meadow organic farms in the years 2004-2009
Prokopowicz J., Jankowska-Huflejt H.
Key words: herd size, cropland structure, employment, meadow organic farm, standard gross margin, subsidies
For citation: Prokopowicz J., Jankowska-Huflejt H. 2011. Productive and economic factors affecting the development of mountain meadow organic farms in the years 2004-2009. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 15 p. 115–126.
Geochemical status and interactions -between soil and groundwater systems in the area of Akrefnio, Central Greece. Risk assessment, under the scope of mankind and natural environment
Tziritis E., Kelepertsis A., Fakinou G.
Key words: Akrefnio, central Greece, geochemistry, groundwater, risk assessment, soil
For citation: Tziritis E., Kelepertsis A., Fakinou G. 2011. Geochemical status and interactions -between soil and groundwater systems in the area of Akrefnio, Central Greece . Risk assessment, under the scope of mankind and natural environment. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 15 p. 127–144.
The evaluation of global warming's effects on soil temperature - case of Tlemcen (North Africa)
Boukli Hacene M.E.A., Chabane Sari N.E.
Key words: depth, global warming, ground thermal properties, soil temperature
For citation: Boukli Hacene M.E.A., Chabane Sari N.E. 2011. The evaluation of global warming's effects on soil temperature - case of Tlemcen (North Africa). Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 15 p. 145–155.
Application of SWAT Model to Small Agricultural Catchment in Poland
Brzozowski J., Miatkowski Z., Śliwiński D., Smarzyńska K., Śmietanka M.
Key words: agriculture, nitrate, diffuse pollution, SWAT, buffer strips
For citation: Brzozowski J., Miatkowski Z., Śliwiński D., Smarzyńska K., Śmietanka M. 2011. Application of SWAT Model to Small Agricultural Catchment in Poland. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 15 p. 157–166.
Application of sorption tests to estimate selected properties of alluvial soils in Żuławy Elbląskie
Olchawa A., Terlikowski J.
Key words: alluvial soils, cation exchange capacity, external surface area of mineral phase of soils, statistical analysis, water desorption moisture, water sorption test
For citation: Olchawa A., Terlikowski J. 2011. Application of sorption tests to estimate selected properties of alluvial soils in Żuławy Elbląskie. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 15 p. 167–177.
Chamber measurements of CO2 exchange in different wetland sites in Biebrza National Park, Poland
Rychlik S., Dąbrowska-Zielińska K.
Key words: Biebrza, chamber method, CO2 exchange, soil moisture, wetlands
For citation: Rychlik S., Dąbrowska-Zielińska K. 2011. Chamber measurements of CO2 exchange in different wetland sites in Biebrza National Park, Poland. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 15 p. 179–192.
An assessment of water requirements of the mountain pasture swards in the Polish Western Carpathians
Kuźniar A., Twardy S., Kowalczyk A., Kostuch M.
Key words: pasture sward, crop evapotranspiration, water requirements, the Carpathian Mountains
For citation: Kuźniar A., Twardy S., Kowalczyk A., Kostuch M. 2011. An assessment of water requirements of the mountain pasture swards in the Polish Western Carpathians. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 15 p. 193–208.