Number 14 (2010)
Principles of hydromorphological surveys of Polish rivers
Ilnicki P., Górecki K., Grzybowski M., Krzemińska A., Lewandowski P., Sojka M.
Key words: hydromorphological method, monitoring, river survey, Water Framework Directive
For citation: Ilnicki P., Górecki K., Grzybowski M., Krzemińska A., Lewandowski P., Sojka M. 2010. Principles of hydromorphological surveys of Polish rivers. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 14 p. 3–13.
Ecological quality classes of river hydromorphology in Poland
Ilnicki P., Górecki K., Grzybowski M., Krzemińska A., Lewandowski P., Sojka M.
Key words: class boundaries, classification of ecological status, ecological potential, ecological quality ratio, hydromorphological river survey
For citation: Ilnicki P., Górecki K., Grzybowski M., Krzemińska A., Lewandowski P., Sojka M. 2010. Ecological quality classes of river hydromorphology in Poland. No. Journal of Water and Land Development. 14 p. 15–27.
Controlling of eutrophication in aquatic environments
Gromiec M.J., Gromiec T.M.
Key words: aquatic environments, eutrophication, nitrogen and phosphorus removal, nutrients, treatment technologies, watershed models
For citation: Gromiec M.J., Gromiec T.M. 2010. Controlling of eutrophication in aquatic environments. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 14 p. 29–35.
Natural conditions for the reconstruction of fish ponds and possibilities of their use in ecotourism
Prajs B., Rogalski M., Sotek Z., Stasińska M.
Key words: pond management, protected areas, water retention
For citation: Prajs B., Rogalski M., Sotek Z., Stasińska M. 2010. Natural conditions for the reconstruction of fish ponds and possibilities of their use in ecotourism. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 14 p. 37–47.
The role of historical fishpond systems during recent flood events
Lhotsky R.
Key words: Czech Republic, fishponds, flood protection, water retention
For citation: Lhotsky R. 2010. The role of historical fishpond systems during recent flood events. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 14 p. 49–65.
Fish biomass and species composition in the Malta Reservoir, Poland
Andrzejewski W., Szlakowski J., Mastyński J., Mazurkiewicz J., Godlewska M.
Key words: biomass estimates, ichthyofauna, Malta Reservoir, species structure
For citation: Andrzejewski W., Szlakowski J., Mastyński J., Mazurkiewicz J., Godlewska M. 2010. Fish biomass and species composition in the Malta Reservoir, Poland. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 14 p. 67–82.
Drainage system in the Kampinos National Park
Mioduszewski W., Kowalewski Z., Żurawski R., Stankiewicz J.
Key words: hydraulic structure, hydrology, wetlands, national parks
For citation: Mioduszewski W., Kowalewski Z., Żurawski R., Stankiewicz J. 2010. Drainage system in the Kampinos National Park. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 14 p. 83–95.
On assessment of the amelioration condition of the irrigated lands in Azerbaijan Republic
Mammadov Q.S., Hashimov A.D.
Key words: drainage, irrigation, salinity
For citation: Mammadov Q.S., Hashimov A.D. 2010. On assessment of the amelioration condition of the irrigated lands in Azerbaijan Republic. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 14 p. 97–100.
Costs of construction and operation of irrigation systems in recreation and sports areas
Gulczyński R., Przybyła Cz.
Key words: irrigation system, sprinkler, drip-irrigation line, water intake
For citation: Gulczyński R., Przybyła Cz. 2010. Costs of construction and operation of irrigation systems in recreation and sports areas. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 14 p. 101–113.
Evaluation and verification of the WetSpa model based on selected rural catchments in Poland
Porretta-Brandyk L., Chormański J., Ignar S., Okruszko T., Brandyk A., Szymczak T., Krężałek K.
Key words: automatic calibration, distributed models, lowland rural catchment, rainfall-runoff process
For citation: Porretta-Brandyk L., Chormański J., Ignar S., Okruszko T., Brandyk A., Szymczak T., Krężałek K. 2010. Evaluation and verification of the WetSpa model based on selected rural catchments in Poland. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 14 p. 115–133.