Number 18 (2013)
Drought forecasting using new machine learning methods
Belayneh A., Adamowski J.
Key words: agriculture, artificial neural networks, drought forecast, SPI, support vector regression, wavelet analysis
For citation: Belayneh A., Adamowski J. 2013. Drought forecasting using new machine learning methods. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 18 p. 3–12.
Application of HEC-HMS programme for the reconstruction of a flood event in an uncontrolled basin
Wałęga A.
Key words: HEC-HMS programme, flood simulations, unit hydrographs, optimization
For citation: Wałęga A. 2013. Application of HEC-HMS programme for the reconstruction of a flood event in an uncontrolled basin. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 18 p. 13–20.
Some examples comparing static and dynamic network approaches in water resources allocation models for the rivers of high instability of flows
Wojas W., Tyszewski S.
Key words: dynamic networks, network flows, network optimisation, water resources allocation, water system balance
For citation: Wojas W., Tyszewski S. 2013. Some examples comparing static and dynamic network approaches in water resources allocation models for the rivers of high instability of flows. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 18 p. 21–27.
The influence of hydrotechnical conditions on energy production in small-scale hydropower plant
Bukowski M.
Key words: energy policy, renewable energy sources, small-scale hydropower plants, water flow
For citation: Bukowski M. 2013. The influence of hydrotechnical conditions on energy production in small-scale hydropower plants. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 18 p. 29–35.
Small water bodies formed after peat digging in Dobrzyńskie Lakelan
Koprowski J., Łachacz A.
Key words: geological documentation of peat deposits, peat digging, plant communities, small water reservoirs, water properties
For citation: Koprowski J., Łachacz A. 2013. Small water bodies formed after peat digging in Dobrzyńskie Lakeland. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 18 p. 37–47.
Impact of peat excavation on water condition in the adjacent raised bog
Mioduszewski W., Kowalewski Z., Wierzba M.
Key words: biological diversity, hydrology, peat excavation site, raised bog
For citation: Mioduszewski W., Kowalewski Z., Wierzba M. 2013. Impact of peat excavation on water condition in the adjacent raised bog. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 18 p. 49–57.
Economic assessment of the development opportunities of farms participating in agri-environmental programmes
Jankowska-Huflejt H., Prokopowicz J.
Key words: crop structure, efficiency of fixed assets, gross margin, livestock density
For citation: Jankowska-Huflejt H., Prokopowicz J. 2013. Economic assessment of the development opportunities of farms participating in agri-environmental programmes. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 18 p. 59–64.
The effect of an extensive use of meadow on moderately decomposed peat-muck soil on carbon balance
Turbiak J.
Key words: carbon balance, meadow ecosystem, net ecosystem exchange, total respiration
For citation: Turbiak J. 2013. The effect of an extensive use of meadow on moderately decomposed peat-muck soil on carbon balance. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 18 p. 65–72.
Calcium and magnesium uptake with the yield of meadow vegetation in relation to their content in atmospheric precipitation, ground water and soil solution
Sapek B.
Key words: atmospheric precipitation, calcium, ground water, magnesium, soil solution, uptake with meadow plant yield
For citation: Sapek B. 2013. Calcium and magnesium uptake with the yield of meadow vegetation in relation to their content in atmospheric precipitation, ground water and soil solution. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 18 p. 73–83.