Number 32 (2017)
Impact of meteorological drought on hydrological drought in Toruń (central Poland) in the period of 1971–2015
Bąk B., Kubiak-Wójcicka K.
Key words: drought indices, hydrological drought, meteorological drought, the Vistula River
For citation: Bąk B., Kubiak-Wójcicka K. 2017. Impact of meteorological drought on hydrological drought in Toruń (central Poland) in the period of 1971-2015. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 32 p. 3-12. DOI: 10.1515/jwld-2017-0001.
Mapping erosion prone areas in the Bouhamdane watershed (Algeria) using the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation through GIS
Bouguerra H., Bouanani A., Khanchoul K., Derdous O., Tachi S.E.
Key words: Algeria, Bouhamdane Watershed, GIS, Reservoir of Hammam Debagh, RUSLE, siltation, soil erosion
For citation: Bouguerra H., Bouanani A., Khanchoul K., Derdous O., Tachi S.E. 2017. Mapping erosion prone areas in the Bouhamdane watershed (Algeria) using the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation through GIS. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 32 p. 13-23. DOI: 10.1515/jwld-2017-0002.
Recharging infiltration of precipitation water through the light soil, in the absence of surface runoff
Czyżyk F., Świerkot Z.
Key words: infiltration, light soil, precipitation, water resources
For citation: Czyżyk F., Świerkot Z. 2017. Recharging infiltration of precipitation water through the light soil, in the absence of surface runoff. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 32 p. 25-30. DOI: 10.1515/jwld-2017-0003.
Operating household wastewater treatment plants in the light of binding quality standards for wastewater discharged to water bodies or to soil
Jawecki B., Pawęska K., Sobota M.
Key words: administrative decision, agglomeration, household wastewater treatment plant, sanitary sewage, stopping the operation of installation, wastewater treatment efficiency
For citation: Jawecki B., Pawęska K., Sobota M. 2017. Operating household wastewater treatment plants in the light of binding quality standards for wastewater discharged to water bodies or to soil. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 32 p. 31-39. DOI: 10.1515/jwld-2017-0004.
An experimental study on the grape orchard: Effects comparison of two irrigation systems
Kadbhane S.J., Manekar V.L.
Key words: agro climatic zone, canal irrigation, evapotranspiration, farm pond, table grape, water productivity
For citation: Kadbhane S.J., Manekar V.L. 2017. An experimental study on the grape orchard: Effects comparison of two irrigation systems. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 32 p. 41-51. DOI: 10.1515/jwld-2017-0005.
Effectiveness and sustainability of remedial actions for land restoration in Abeokuta urban communities, Ogun state, Nigeria
Lawal-Adebowale O.A.
Key words: causal factors, effectiveness, land degradation, remedial actions, sustainability, urban communities
For citation: Lawal-Adebowale O.A. 2017. Effectiveness and sustainability of remedial actions for land restoration in Abeokuta urban communities, Ogun state, Nigeria. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 32 p. 53- 61. DOI: 10.1515/jwld-2017-0006.
The concept of sustainable tourism development in rural areas – A case study of Zbąszyń commune
Lisiak M., Borowiak K., Muńko E.
Key words: GIS tools, natural-landscape valorisation, rural area, sustainable tourism development
For citation: Lisiak M., Borowiak K., Muńko E. 2017. The concept of sustainable tourism development in rural areas - A case study of Zbąszyń commune. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 32 p. 63-69. DOI: 10.1515/jwld-2017-0007.
Range of soil and climate characteristics appropriate for Pistacia atlantica forest development and rehabilitation (case study: Fars province, Iran)
Nejabat M., Negahdarsaber M., Ghahari G.
Key words: climatic elements, drought, forest soils, principal component analysis (PCA), semi-arid regions, soil physical and chemical properties
For citation: Nejabat M., Negahdarsaber M., Ghahari G. 2017. Range of soil and climate characteristics appropriate for Pistacia atlantica forest development and rehabilitation (case study: Fars province, Iran). Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 32 p. 71-78. DOI: 10.1515/jwld-2017-0008.
Evapotranspiration data to determine agro-climatic zones in Egypt
Ouda S.A.H., Norledin T.A.
Key words: 10-year weather data, 20-year weather data, agro-climatic zoning, BISm model, reference evapotranspiration
For citation: Ouda S.A.H., Norledin T.A. 2017. Evapotranspiration data to determine agro-climatic zones in Egypt. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 32 p. 79-86. DOI: 10.1515/jwld-2017-0009.
Assessment of the relation between atmospheric precipitation and rainwater runoff for various urban surfaces
Romaniak A.
Key words: imperviousness, precipitation, rainwater runoff coefficients, surface coverage
For citation: Romaniak A. 2017. Assessment of the relation between atmospheric precipitation and rainwater runoff for various urban surfaces. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 32 p. 87-94. DOI: 10.1515/jwld-2017- 0010.
Global experience on irrigation management under different scenarios
Valipour M.
Key words: irrigation, sustainable agriculture, water, world agriculture
For citation: Valipour M. 2017. Global experience on irrigation management under different scenarios. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 32 p. 95-102. DOI: 10.1515/jwld-2017-0011.
Assessing the suitability of extreme learning machines (ELM) for groundwater level prediction
Yadav B., Ch S., Mathur S., Adamowski J.
Key words: extreme learning machine (ELM), forecasting, groundwater level, support vector machine (SVM), water resource management
For citation: Yadav B., Ch S., Mathur S., Adamowski J. 2017. Assessing the suitability of extreme learning machines (ELM) for groundwater level prediction. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 32 p. 103-112. DOI: 10.1515/jwld-2017-0012.