Number 23 (2014)
Runoff formation in terms of changes in land use – Mściwojów water reservoir area
Radecki-Pawlik A., Wałęga A., Wojkowski J., Pijanowski J.
Key words: balanced catchment development, concentration time, runoff, water reservoir
For citation: Radecki-Pawlik A., Wałęga A., Wojkowski J., Pijanowski J. 2014. Runoff formation in terms of changes in land use – Mściwojów water reservoir area. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 23 p. 3–10.
Prediction of precipitation deficit and excess in Bydgoszcz Region in view of predicted climate change
Bąk B., Łabędzki L.
Key words: climate models, drought, precipitation, rainfall excess, standardized precipitation index SPI
For citation: Bąk B., Łabędzki L. 2014. Prediction of precipitation deficit and excess in Bydgoszcz Region in view of predicted climate change. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 23 p. 11-19.
Thermal conditions in Bydgoszcz region in growing seasons 2011–2050 in view of expected climate change
Bąk B., Łabędzki L.
Key words: air temperature, climate change, thermal classification
For citation: Bąk B., Łabędzki L. 2014. Thermal conditions in Bydgoszcz region in growing seasons 2011–2050 in view of expected climate change. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 23 p. 21–29.
Emissions of nitrogen and phosphorus into rivers from agricultural land - selected controversial issues
Ilnicki P.
Key words: emission, load, MONERIS model, nitrogen, phosphorus, point/non-point sources, retention, river eutrophication
For citation: Ilnicki P. 2014. Emissions of nitrogen and phosphorus into rivers from agricultural land ? selected controversial issues. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 23 p. 31–39.
The analysis of the impact of small retention on water resources in the catchment
Mioduszewski W., Querner E.P., Kowalewski Z.
Key words: drought, flood, reservoirs, river basins, water retention
For citation: Mioduszewski W., Querner E.P., Kowalewski Z. 2014. The analysis of the impact of small retention on water resources in the catchment. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 23 p. 41–51.
The use of NRCS synthetic unit hydrograph and Wackermann conceptual model in the simulation of a flood wave in an
Pietrusiewicz I., Cupak A., Wałęga A., Michalec B.
Key words: effective precipitation, NRCS-UH method, uncontrolled catchment, Wackermann model
For citation: Pietrusiewicz I., Cupak A., Wałęga A., Michalec B. 2014. The use of NRCS synthetic unit hydrograph and Wackermann conceptual model in the simulation of a flood wave in an uncontrolled catchment. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 23 p. 53–59.
Multicriteria approach for selecting the most vulnerable watershed for developing a management plan
Zardari N.H., Naubi I.B., Roslan N.A.B., Shirazi S.M.
Key words: relative importance weights, SMARTER, SWING, watershed management targets, watershed vulnerability, weighting method
For citation: Zardari N.H., Naubi I.B., Roslan N.A.B., Shirazi S.M. 2014. Multicriteria approach for selecting the most vulnerable watershed for developing a management plan. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 23 p. 61–68.