Number 19 (2013)
Evaluation of water quality in open channels flowing through Beni-Mellal City (Morocco)
Barakat A., El Baghdadi M., Meddah R., Rais J., Nadem S., Afdali M.
Key words: Urban channels, physicochemical parameters, wastewater, water quality
For citation: Barakat A., El Baghdadi M., Meddah R., Rais J., Nadem S., Afdali M. 2013. Evaluation of water quality in open channels flowing through Beni-Mellal City (Morocco). Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 19 p. 3–11.
Spatial distribution of sediments in Suchedniów reservoir
Bąk Ł., Dąbkowski Sz.L.
Key words: grain-size distribution, small water reservoir, silting of reservoir, spatial sediment distribution
For citation: Bąk Ł., Dąbkowski Sz.L. 2013. Spatial distribution of sediments in Suchedniów reservoir. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 19 p. 13–22.
The effect of effluents from rainbow trout ponds on water quality in the Gowienica River
Bonisławska M., Tański A., Mokrzycka M., Brysiewicz A., Nędzarek A., Tórz A.
Key words: indices of surface water quality, rainbow trout ponds, water quality
For citation: Bonisławska M., Tański A., Mokrzycka M., Brysiewicz A., Nędzarek A., Tórz A. 2013. The effect of effluents from rainbow trout ponds on water quality in the Gowienica River. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 19 p. 23–30.
Escherichia coli as a potential indicator of Biebrza River enrichment sources
Frąk M.
Key words: Escherichia coli, indicator, water quality, sources of contamination
For citation: Frąk M. 2013. Escherichia coli as a potential indicator of Biebrza River enrichment sources. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 19 p. 31–37.
Integrated water resource management for mega city: a case study of Dhaka city, Bangladesh
Hossain N., Md. Bahauddin K.
Key words: Dhaka, human resource development, institutional reform, IWRM, water supply and demand
For citation: Hossain N., Md. Bahauddin K. 2013. Integrated water resource management for mega city: a case study of Dhaka city, Bangladesh. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 19 p. 39–45.
The spatial variation of oxygen condition in carp pond located in nature reserve "Stawy Milickie"
Jawecki B., Jaroszewicz-Smyk T., Drabiński A.
Key words: aquatic macrophytes, carp pond, dissolved oxygen, milickie ponds, nature reserve, rushe
For citation: Jawecki B., Jaroszewicz-Smyk T., Drabiński A. 2013. The spatial variation of oxygen condition in carp pond located in nature reserve „Stawy Milickie”. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 19 p. 47–52.
Determination of anthropogenic impact on the Siret River and its tributaries by the analysis of attached algae
Karavan J., Solovej T. Yuschenko Yu.
Key words: anthropogenic ecological regress, attached algae, bioindication, phytoperiphyton, saprobity index
For citation: Karavan J., Solovej T. Yuschenko Yu. 2013. Determination of anthropogenic impact on the Siret River and its tributaries by the analysis of attached algae. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 19 p. 53–58.
Monitoring the diversity of psammophilous grassland communities in the Kózki Nature Reserve under grazing and non-grazing conditions
Kulik M., Warda M., Leśniewska P.
Key words: grazing, psammophilous grasslands, sheep of the Świniarka breed
For citation: Kulik M., Warda M., Leśniewska P. 2013. Monitoring the diversity of psammophilous grassland communities in the Kózki Nature Reserve under grazing and non-grazing conditions. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 19 p. 59–67.
Relationship between dissolved organic carbon and calcium and magnesium in soil water phase and their uptake by meadow vegetation
Sapek B.
Key words: calcium, dissolved organic carbon, ground water, magnesium, soil solution, uptake by plants
For citation: Sapek B. 2013. Relationship between dissolved organic carbon and calcium and magnesium in soil water phase and their uptake by meadow vegetation. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 19 p. 69–76.
Floristic diversity of selected plant communities on extensive and abandoned grasslands in the Nadwieprzański Landscape Park
Warda M., Stamirowska-Krzaczek E., Kulik M.
Key words: floristic diversity, grassland communities, Nadwieprzański Landscape Park, valley of the middle Wieprz River
For citation: Warda M., Stamirowska-Krzaczek E., Kulik M. 2013. Floristic diversity of selected plant communities on extensive and abandoned grasslands in the Nadwieprzański Landscape Park. Journal of Water and Land Development. No. 19 p. 77–82.