Number 60 (2024)
Sustainable oases agriculture: A journey through Morocco’s date palm production system
Kaoutar Hamriri, Majid Atmani, Ali Abidar, Larbi Aziz, Mustapha Fagroud, Rachid Bouamri
Key words: date palm tree, oasis, palm grove, producer, production system, sustainability
For citation: Hamriri, K. et al. (2024) “Sustainable oases agriculture: A journey through Morocco’s date palm production system,” Journal of Water and Land Development, 60, pp. 1–11. Available at: https://doi.org/10.24425/jwld.2023.148457.
The structural analysis of the farming systems resilience after the Covid-19 pandemic in West Timor, Indonesia
Fredrik L. Benu, Hamza H. Wulakada, David B.W. Pandie, Yosua Tanggela, Paul G. King, Halena M. Asa, Yantus A.B. Neolaka
Key words: dryland, resilience, structural equation model, West Timor, wetland
For citation: Benu, F.L. et al. (2024) “The structural analysis of the farming systems resilience after the Covid-19 pandemic in West Timor, Indonesia,” Journal of Water and Land Development, 60, pp. 12–23. Available at: https://doi.org/10.24425/jwld.2024.149108.
The calibration of sharp-crested weirs with a horizontal edge used for measuring flows in partially full pipes
Janusz Kubrak, Elżbieta Kubrak, Joanna E. Binio
Key words: calibration of sharp-crested weirs, discharge characteristics of sharp-crested weirs in pipe; flows in partially full pipes; sharp-crested weirs in pipe
For citation: Kubrak, J., Kubrak, E. and Binio, J.E. (2024) “The calibration of sharp-crested weirs with a horizontal edge used for measuring flows in partially full pipes,” Journal of Water and Land Development, 60, pp. 24–31. Available at: https://doi.org/10.24425/jwld.2023.148455.
Research of the process of biological wastewater treatment under conditions of uneven load of the treatment system
Andrii Safonyk, Oleg Rogov, Maksym Trokhymchuk, Olena Prysiazhniuk, Ihor Prysiazhniuk
Key words: activated sludge concentration, biological wastewater treatment reactors, mathematical model, non-uniformity conditions, organic contaminants
For citation: Safonyk, A. et al. (2024) “Research of the process of biological wastewater treatment under conditions of uneven load of the treatment system,” Journal of Water and Land Development, 60, pp. 32–38. Available at: https://doi.org/10.24425/jwld.2023.148456.
Quantification of nitrates leaching from grassland soils in winter using the Burns model
Stefan Pietrzak, Marek Urbaniak
Key words: Burns model, grassland, mineral soil, nitrate leaching, nitrate nitrogen content, organic origin soil
For citation: Pietrzak, S. and Urbaniak, M. (2024) “Quantification of nitrates leaching from grassland soils in winter using the Burns model,” Journal of Water and Land Development, 60, pp. 39–49. Available at: https://doi.org/10.24425/jwld.2023.148458.
Role of phytolith occluded carbon of cereales plants for climate change mitigation
Beata Rutkowska, Peter Schröder, Michel Mench, Francois Rineau, Witold Szulc, Wiesław Szulc, Jarosław Pobereżny, Kristjan Tiideberg, Tomasz Niedziński, Evelin Loit
Key words: carbon sequestration, cereals, climate change, compost, phytolith occluded carbon, silicon
For citation: Rutkowska, B. et al. (2024) “Role of phytolith occluded carbon of cereales plants for climate change mitigation,” Journal of Water and Land Development, 60, pp. 50–58. Available at: https://doi.org/10.24425/jwld.2023.148459.
The use of the GEST method to estimate greenhouse gases uptake or emissions in the absence of data for a raised bog
Roman Cieśliński
Key words: estimation greenhouse gases (GHG) uptake or emissions, GEST method, habitat, peat bog, water content
For citation: Cieśliński, R. (2024) “The use of the GEST method to estimate greenhouse gases uptake or emissions in the absence of data for a raised bog,” Journal of Water and Land Development, 60, pp. 59–64. Available at: https://doi.org/10.24425/jwld.2023.148460.
Underwater landscapes of Lake Wielki Staw in the Karkonosze Mountains – the only high-mountain lobelia lake in Poland
Piotr Dynowski, Anna Źróbek-Sokolnik, Alina Źróbek-Różańska
Key words: GIS, landscape change indicator, mapping, scuba diving, underwater landscape, underwater scientific research
For citation: Dynowski, P., Źróbek-Sokolnik, A. and Źróbek-Różańska, A. (2024) “Underwater landscapes of Lake Wielki Staw in the Karkonosze Mountains – the only high-mountain lobelia lake in Poland,” Journal of Water and Land Development, 60, pp. 65–70. Available at: https://doi.org/10.24425/jwld.2024.149107.
The effect of anthropogenic activities on the spatial distribution of total nitrogen and total phosphate in Lake Maninjau
Puti S. Komala, Zulkarnaini Zulkarnaini, Roselyn I. Kurniati, Mhd Fauzi
Key words: anthropogenic activities, cluster analysis, dry season, Lake Maninjau, spatial distribution, total nitrogen, total phosphate
For citation: Komala, P.S. et al. (2024) “The effect of anthropogenic activities on the spatial distribution of total nitrogen and total phosphate in Lake Maninjau,” Journal of Water and Land Development, 60, pp. 71–78. Available at: https://doi.org/10.24425/jwld.2024.149109.
Spatial structure of natural landscapes within the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone
Tetiana P. Fedoniuk, Petro V. Pyvovar, Oleh V. Skydan, Taras V. Melnychuk, Pavlo P. Topolnytskyi
Key words: reserve, forest, natural restoration, agricultural land, vegetation cover, flooding
For citation: Fedoniuk, T.P. et al. (2024) “Spatial structure of natural landscapes within the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone,” Journal of Water and Land Development, 60, pp. 79–90. Available at: https://doi.org/10.24425/jwld.2024.149110.
Analysis of willingness to pay of farmers on irrigation networks maintenance fees in the Gonggang reservoir, Magetan
Cindy Puspitasari, Joko Sutrisno, Ernoiz Antriyandarti
Key words: contingent valuation method, farmer, irrigation networks, maintenance fees, willingness to pay (WTP)
For citation: Puspitasari, C., Sutrisno, J. and Antriyandarti, E. (2024) “Analysis of willingness to pay of farmers on irrigation networks maintenance fees in the Gonggang reservoir, Magetan,” Journal of Water and Land Development, 60, pp. 91–99. Available at: https://doi.org/10.24425/jwld.2024.149111.
Application of the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process for water resources in the Wadi AlHasa catchment, Jordan
Alsharifa Hind Mohammad, Taleb Odeh, Mahmoud Abualhaijaa, Khaldoun Shatanawi, Maha Halalshe
Key words: DRASTIC index, flash floods, fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP), geomorphological units, groundwater vulnerability, managed aquifer recharge (MAR)
For citation: Mohammad, A.H. et al. (2024) “Application of the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process for water resources in the Wadi AlHasa catchment, Jordan,” Journal of Water and Land Development, 60, pp. 100–111. Available at: https://doi.org/10.24425/jwld.2024.149112.
The microbial and chemical risk analysis of drinking water in a small island, Spermonde Archipelago
Agus B. Birawida, Anwar Daud, Erniwati Ibrahim, Healthy Hidayanty, Nurlia Sila, Maming Maming, Muhammad Nur, Ain Khaer, Andi I. Arundhana, Arsunan Arsin
Key words: chemical risk, environment health risk assessment microbial risk (EHRA), quantitative microbial risk assessment small island (QMRA), risk analysis, water quality
For citation: Birawida, B. et al. (2024) “The microbial and chemical risk analysis of drinking water in a small island, Spermonde Archipelago,” Journal of Water and Land Development, 60, pp. 112–121. Available at: https://doi.org/10.24425/jwld.2024.149113.
Modelling and dynamic water analysis for the ecosystem service in the Central Citarum watershed, Indonesia
Jaka Suryanta, Irmadi Nahib1) , Fadhlullah Ramadhani, Farid Rifaie, Nawa Suwedi, Vicca Karolinoerita, Destika Cahyana, Fahmi Amhar, Suprajaka
Key words: Citarum watershed, Indonesia, integrated valuation of ecosystem service and trade-offs (InVEST), multiscale geographically weighted regression (MGWR), water demand, water scarcity, water supply
For citation: Suryanta, J. et al. (2024) “Modelling and dynamic water analysis for the ecosystem service in the Central Citarum watershed, Indonesia,” Journal of Water and Land Development, 60, pp. 122–137. Available at: https://doi.org/10.24425/jwld.2024.149114.
Practical experience in the construction of roads in difficult soil conditions
Assel Tulebekova, Askar Zhussupbekov, Aizhan Zhankina, Aliya Aldungarova, Gulnaz Mamyrbekova
Key words: field tests, hydrological condition, road, subsidence soil, waterway
For citation: Tulebekova, A. et al. (2024) “Practical experience in the construction of roads in difficult soil conditions,” Journal of Water and Land Development, 60, pp. 138–148. Available at: https://doi.org/10.24425/jwld.2024.149115.
Integrating advanced approaches for climate change impact assessment on water resources in arid regions
Barno S. Abdullaeva
Key words: arid regions, climate change, hydrological modelling, machine learning, water resources
For citation: Abdullaeva, B.S. (2024) “Integrating advanced approaches for climate change impact assessment on water resources in arid regions,” Journal of Water and Land Development, 60, pp. 149–156. Available at: https://doi.org/10.24425/jwld.2024.149116.
The effect of meteorological conditions on the course of development stages and yield of winter wheat in southern Poland
Barbara Skowera, Bogdan Kulig, Agnieszka Ziernicka-Wojtaszek, Wiesław Grygierzec, Elżbieta Ziółkowska, Andrzej Lepiarczyk
Key words: crops, length of phenophases, number of days with precipitation, precipitation, temperature, wheat
For citation: Skowera, B. (2024) “The effect of meteorological conditions on the course of development stages and yield of winter wheat in southern Poland,” Journal of Water and Land Development, 60, pp. 157–166. Available at: https://doi.org/10.24425/jwld.2024.149117.
Sustainability evaluation of a smallholder cocoa plantation on the Sebatik Island, Indonesia, using a multidimensional scaling approach
Muhamad Hidayanto, Yossita Fiana
Key words: attribute, cocoa, multidimensional scaling (MDS), Sebatik Island, sustainability index
For citation: Hidayanto, M. and Fiana, Y. (2024) “Sustainability evaluation of a smallholder cocoa plantation on the Sebatik Island, Indonesia, using a multidimensional scaling approach,” Journal of Water and Land Development, 60, pp. 167–176. Available at: https://doi.org/10.24425/jwld.2024.149118.
Socioeconomic status, lake knowledge, and community participation in the sustainable Lake Limboto management, Gorontalo Regency
Ramla H. Melo, Moch R. Pambudi, Alim Niode
Key words: community participation, ecosystem knowledge, environmental conservation, Lake Limboto, socioeconomic status, sustainable management
For citation: Melo, R.H., Pambudi, M.R. and Niode, A. (2024) “Socioeconomic status, lake knowledge, and community participation in the sustainable Lake Limboto management, Gorontalo Regency,” Journal of Water and Land Development, 60, pp. 177–182. Available at: https://doi.org/10.24425/jwld.2024.149119.
Ecological risks assessment of fishery commodities from heavy metal in The East Java Province, Indonesia
Sapto Andriyono, Nuning V. Hidayati, Mirna Fitrani, Latifah A. Manaf, Ahasan Habib, Umi U. Dewi, Saadah Mukadar
Key words: accumulation, diversity, fisheries, food safety, heavy metal, macroalgae, pollutant
For citation: Andriyono, S. et al. (2024) “Ecological risks assessment of fishery commodities from heavy metal in The East Java Province, Indonesia,” Journal of Water and Land Development, 60, pp. 183–193. Available at: https://doi.org/10.24425/jwld.2024.149120.
Influence of induced drought on photosynthetic performance in Dactylis glomerata varieties during the early growth stage
Barbara Borawska-Jarmułowicz, Grażyna Mastalerczuk, Piotr Dąbrowski, Żaneta Tuchowska, Hazem Kalaji
Key words: chlorophyll a fluorescence transient, Dactylis glomerata, JIP-test, tillering phase, water deficit
For citation: Borawska-Jarmułowicz, B. et al. (2024) “Influence of induced drought on photosynthetic performance in Dactylis glomerata varieties during the early growth stage,” Journal of Water and Land Development, 60, pp. 194–208. Available at: https://doi.org/10.24425/jwld.2024.149121.
Characteristics of rhizobacteria in potential hyperaccumulator vegetation and their resistance to gold mine tailing stress
Tien Aminatun, Anna Rakhmawati, Sri Atun, Arifudin Idrus, Doly Risdo Simbolon, Laode Restele
Key words: gold-mine, hyperaccumulator-vegetation, rhizobacteria, resistance, tailing
For citation: Aminatun, T. et al. (2024) “Characteristics of rhizobacteria in potential hyperaccumulator vegetation and their resistance to gold mine tailing stress,” Journal of Water and Land Development, 60, pp. 209–218. Available at: https://doi.org/10.24425/jwld.2024.149122.
Soil sealing changes in selected functional urban areas in Poland in 2012–2018
Dawid Kudas, Agnieszka Wnęk, Ewelina Zając
Key words: ekranic technosols, functional urban areas (FUA), National Database of Topographic Objects (BDOT), land use, Urban Atlas, urban soils
For citation: Kudas, D., Wnęk, A. and Zając E. (2024) “Soil sealing changes in selected functional urban areas in Poland in 2012–2018,” Journal of Water and Land Development, 60, pp. 219–227. Available at: https://doi.org/10.24425/jwld.2024.149123.
Effect of yeast and mineral fertilisers on the level attack of the solenopsis mealybug and productivity okra plants
Moustafa M.S. Bakry, Yani Maharani, R.O.H. Allam
Key words: good farming practices, nitrogen, phosphorus, vegetative characteristics
For citation: Bakry, M.M.S., Maharani, Y. and Allam R.O.H. (2024) “Effect of yeast and mineral fertilisers on the level attack of the solenopsis mealybug and productivity okra plants,” Journal of Water and Land Development, 60, pp. 228–235. Available at: https://doi.org/10.24425/jwld.2024.149124.
Microbiological treatment of post-industrial water: Example of efficient bioremediation of the heavily polluted Kalina pond, Poland
Katarzyna Starzec, Emilia Stańkowska, Paulina Supel, Robert Mazur, Piotr Surma, Paweł Kaszycki
Key words: autochthonous strains, bioremediation, landfill leachate, phenol, revitalisation, water treatment
For citation: Starzec, K. et al. (2024) “Microbiological treatment of post-industrial water: Example of efficient bioremediation of the heavily polluted Kalina pond, Poland,” Journal of Water and Land Development, 60, pp. 236–245. Available at: https://doi.org/10.24425/jwld.2024.149125.